Working and family offspring of Czar; Police Service Dog (PSD) Pace in CANADA. Littermate to Penny of Sapphire Mountain; OFA Good/Normal, Full Dentition, DM Clear, ACT1 Penny of Sapphire Mountain; OFA Good / Normal, Full Dentition, DM Clear, ACT 1. Littermate of Police Service dog Pace in CANADA SAR Selah of Sapphire Mountain; Trailing 1, Cadaver 2. Selah lived into her 12th year. Owner wrote to us in part "The proof is in the skill and excellence of the dog. I am so proud of her." Rae This son of Czar is a well-loved family and hiking-adventure companion to his family. Police Service Dog Tug Tessa, brood female for a government Police Dog Breeding program.