Reykja of Sapphire Mountain PennHIP 0.34/0.36, Normal, CGC
Beautiful, healthy female of very lively character, controllable around people, other dogs/animals. Good-sized, very nice build, all working drives and nerve are very strong. Incredibly smart, retains quickly-she loves to train, travels well, settles in the home, strong working pedigree.
sire - Vlad of Sapphire Mountain Fair/Normal, CGC, CGCA ACT1
dam - SG Unie Denbrix BH ZVV1 IPO3 (in 2nd yr) 5U1/P 0/0 Imported/owned by Sapphire Shepherds
Vlad with daughter Reykja, two very nice dogs to spend time with!

Reyjka enjoys agility.

Just a pretty photo of Reykja from a forest walk.

Young females Ulka & Reykja.

Much fun was had exploring Moab with the dogs!

Another wonderful trip with the dogs, a week exploring parts unknown. Pup Reykja is by my hip in photo.

A much loved pup
Reykja, a very lively pup teasing her older half sister. And look at that full mounth.
Reykja and Touche'
Xurk and Reykja
Reykja and Xurk. Cold morning...
Penny and Reyka, exploring Moab
Sunrise, on the Missouri Breaks. Camping with the dogs.
Camping with the dogs.
On the trail.
Young Reykja.
Reykja with sire Vlad.
Playing with dam, Unie.
What a fun pup!
With big sister Bacara.