V Uran von Kirschental BSP, FH, IPO3, SchH3, normal, ZW=98
Kör report; Large male with good character. Good angles of forequarters and hindquarters, firm back, slightly sloping croup. Sweeping gaits, where the elbows should fit better. Temperament firm and secure, toughness, courage, fighting instinct commendably pronounced. Littermates are: Una vom Kirschental; HGH, a zuerkannt. Urania vom Kirschental; FH SchH3 a zuerkannt. V Uwe vom Kirschental; SchH3, IPO3, FH, Kkl. 1, Bdsgr 1982, fast normal. Noted producer of strong civil dogs. Prepotent sire produceding 13 BSP competitors.
sire of Uran; V Drigon vom Fuhrmannshof;World Sieger, 1976 Bundessieger A 100 B 100 C 99 = 299 in BSP. Well known for his hard hitting, crushing grip. Both his parents are on the list of all-time great BSP producers Drigon is at the top of this list with a tally of 38 BSP competitors, 16 of those V rated. Drigon was a dog that his owner Fritz Biehler refused to sell despite numerous offers. Kör report: medium-size male, very good front, firm back, and good slightly sloping croup. Far-reaching, ground-covering gait in correct stepping, whereby elbows could be slightly tighter. Temperament sound, sure, courage and fighting drive pronounced, releases on command.
dam of Uran;V Fenga vom Kirschental;HGH (HLH SIEGERIN), Kkl.1, zuerkannt, 2 x HGH Champion in the 1970’s. Significant producer for Karl Fuller’s Kirschental kennel. Fenga is a daughter of SG Vefa vom Kirschental HGH who is a daughter of SG Blanka vom Mummelsee HGH. Karl considered the above dogs as follows; ” Another pillar of my lines was "Blanka Mummelsee", that I purchased from my herding colleague, Alfons Spitzmueller. "Blanka" comes from pure HGH lines. Out of her daughter " Vefa vom Kirschental" (Bernd v. Lierberg) and their daughter "Fenga vom Kirschental" (Racker v Itztal), came a long line of outstanding working dogs. The best known was probably "Uwe vom Kirschental".