Xurk offspring;
Kobuck of Sapphire Mountain; CGC, TKN
Owner Cindi with her young male.
Fish Wildlife & Parks (FWP) K9 Kikka Obedience, Tracking & Article Search Certified.
FWP K9 Kikka and handler, Warden Sgt. Kline, discovered evidence that helped identify men responsible in a poaching case, ultimately leading to their prosecution. Stg. Kline tells us Kikka has been a healthy, highly trainable dog of great character.
Marrok of Sapphire Mountain;
Demo dog for professional dog training facility, K9 actor for multiple TV picture shows/series, antler shed & personal protection trained.
(owner writes) Ramona, Eight yrs ago you had 'gifted me' Marrok of Sapphire Mountain. I've not accomplished as much as I wanted to with him (life happened), but we accomplished enough. He is an amazing demo dog for my training facility. He has been in multiple TV picture shows/series. I have trained him for antler/shed detection (as a hobby). He is also an amazing PPD. Every trainer/decoy that I have worked with truly enjoys him, they all comment on how great of a dog he is (I agree but am biased). I am looking into getting another dog sometime soon and I would love to stick with you. Lisa
Grizzly of Sapphire Mountain; family dog also in PSA Training;
(email from owner) Ramona, Hope you are doing well. It has been 1 year since we drove up to your place to pick up Grizzly. He is attending ongoing PSA training after graduating through a year of weekly training classes. He has incredible skills of obedience, and all the work associated with PSA. We brought him home weighing 9 pounds 1 year ago, today he is just shy of 90. Beyond his fierce appearance and PSA work, he has one of the biggest hearts I have come to know in a dog. He watches over family members, neighbor's chickens and is gentle with a moth or grasshopper that has managed to enter the house. I have never experienced a dog like this, he has truly changed our lives in a great way. You have provided us with something that is hard to describe with words, to be honest.
Thank you again Ramona for all the help in getting him for us. Chip
Son of Xurk on left / daughter of Vlad on right living a great life in Hawaii. Michele trains her dog’s often, working hard to make sure she has controllable, well-mannered dogs in all situations. These two dogs are also loving, safe friends and protectors to her grandchildren.

Neptune of Sapphire Mountain; BH-VT

Finley of Sapphire Mountain; OFA Full Dentition, Good/Normal, DM Clear CGCA CGCU ACT1 SAR Trailing & Narcotics certified. Quality brood with offspring in training, littermate of Finley - SAR Falcon of Sapphire Mountain IPWDA Land HRD, IPWDA Water HRD.

SAR K9 Miss Lexi; IPWDA Land Cadaver & Crime Scene (17 months!) IPWDA Water HRD, CGC, UR01, RN, BN, TK1. 2022 GSDCA Dog of the Year Top 10 placement in Rally Novice A & Obedience Beginner Novice A which qualified her for the National’s.

SAR K9 Falcon of Sapphire Mountain; IPWDA Land HRD, IPWDA Water HRD

Another photo of SAR K9 Falcon of Sapphire Mountain; IPWDA Land HRD, IPWDA Water HRD

Zia of Sapphire Mountain; PennHIP 90th, DM Clear, CGC, TKN, Mondioring Brevet

Machiavelli of Sapphire Mountain; BN CGC TKN VHMA VSWBHi Ramona, “Mac” is doing wonderfully. Always loyal, always by my side, and by far my best worker. This dog exceeded all of my expectations. I wonder sometimes if she is more machine than dog for how well she remembers everything I've taught her and how happy she is to work with me. Almost 7 years old now and recalls happily, lives to please, and smart as ever. She was spayed after 4 and never had a litter. We are hoping to step back in the ring after our pause and trial to finish her CD this year in April/November and I have no lack of confidence in her ability to do so. No real health issues to report. Thank you so much for selling me a dog who is truly like no other, who I will always compare any future dogs to because she is simply amazing. Rest assured she couldn't be more loved here. Alicia, Porta Rico

Photo of young dog Pax of Sapphire Mountain, beloved family dog with one of his little friends. Hi Ramona, Pax is doing great. He has one of the best temperaments I've seen in a dog. Non aggressive, very kind and so much fun. Good with kids, puppies, kittens....everthing! Definitely has become a best friend. Tylar

Young daughter of Xurk
Freyja of Sapphire Mountain; OFA Good / Normal, AD, 2 x BH.
Faro of Sapphire Mountain; “Loki” family member of retired SAR K9 handler Kevin. His previous dog from Sapphire Shepherds was SAR Rocco of Sapphire Mountain; Wilderness, Urban certified.
Faro is littermate to;
Finley of Sapphire Mountain; OFA Full Dentition, Good/Normal, DM Clear CGCA CGCU ACT1 SAR Trailing & Narcotics certified.
SAR K9 Falcon of Sapphire Mountain IPWDA Land HRD, IPWDA Water HRD.
Denali of Sapphire Mountain; beloved family dog!
Hi Ramona! Denali is doing very good, is a wonderful friend and she definitely knows how to make us laugh! She’s very caring and protective of us. She does enjoy showing off her “bubba shovel“ as we call it. She carries it around and slides on it across the yard like a skateboard. It’s an aluminum grain shovel she has a good time with. She’s truly the best!
Ahza, beloved family & ranch dog.
Hi Ramona, Ahza was able to help find young calves that were missing for over 24 hours. It was like a needle in a haystack and the rancher just couldn't find them. It took Ahza about 30 minutes, I rode past them but he just stopped and stayed by the calf until we got to them. I'm really glad you matched him with me. He has enough drive, energy and work ethic to be able to work alongside me on the farm all day and help with the stock. I could not ask for a better match.
Happy pups, happy owners. A female & male pup from Xurk.
Owner writes; "We are all happy, they are such a joy to have in our families".