Yazzy of Sapphire Mountain, DM Clear, PennHIP 0.36/0.39 / Normal CGC CGCA ACT 1
littermate - Yucon of Sapphire Mountain BH TR 2 UPr1 IGP1 (HIT), IGP2 (HIT), NADD Master Title DM 24 ft. finished yr in top 5 German Shepherds.

Large, strong, elegant female, enjoyable to be around, calm in the home and can entertain herself. Beautiful female of strong bones and dark eyes. September 2023 Yazzy turned 11 years and she hardly has a grey hair on her. She has always been an extremely healthy dog never to a vet and longevity is in her genetics. Balanced drives, neutral to people and other animals that do not push her. However, she is dominate and without hesitation will put the brakes on any stranger behaving out of character. A healthy brood (has even fostered), never needed a c-section, producing large litters, offspring working in Law Enforcement, SAR and family.

The following dogs Sapphire Shepherds has imported, owned and or bred within the pedigree of Yazzy.
- Flame of Sapphire Mountain Good/Normal, Working Security Dog
- Ajsa Bohemia Rom-Pan 0/0 CGC TD TDX BH TR3 FH1
- SG Lary Bret - Bett 0/0 1.st Breed Class 5Y1/N ZVV3